A Call to Promote Good Governance in Kenya

A Call to Promote Good Governance in Kenya

The role of the Board is critical in organisational stewardship across all sectors. Playing your part in the success of the organisation boils down to how well you understand and apply your role, what frameworks exist to empower you with the right tools and knowledge to face the challenges posed by modern business dynamics and the extent to which you, as a board member, is able to leverage your knowledge, skills and capabilities to support the executive in pursuit of corporate goals. This programme takes you through a journey of self-discovery and knowledge immersion that makes you and your board most prepared to lead in the 21st century.

At the end of the programme, the participants should be able to:

  1. Obtain an understanding of the roles and implications of the 21st century board director
  2. Ability to use board evaluation as a tool for effectiveness
  3. Understand the value and relevance of governance audits in today's business world
  4. Capacity to exercise effective board oversight in risk, strategy and data governance
  5. Ability to become a leading board through effective and meaningful executive interactions

  1. Chairpersons of boards of directors
  2. Members of boards of directors
  3. Chief Executive Officers
  4. Executive directors
  5. Company secretaries

In order to register or for enquiries please contact;

Kepha:kepha@leadershipgroup.co.ke Tel: 0721 850622


Christabel:christabel@leadershipgroup.co.ke Tel: 0711 411316

Deadline for registration: In order to participate in the programme please submit your registration form by 29th March 2021.


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 © The Leadership Group  


The Leadership Group Limited
2nd Floor, Western Heights
Karuna Road, Westlands.
P.O. Box 50649, 00200  Nairobi, Kenya
Tel:   +254-020-231-3240
Mob: +254-071-531-3244
E-mail: info@leadershipgroup.co.ke
Website: www.leadershipgroup.co.ke